In this episode, I talk to Natanya Lara, a past client, and friend, who experienced several of the components of a Heal My Legacy program.
She shares what she learned and how the work has impacted life.
In this episode, I share some of the worst advice I received when I was starting to learn about Energy healing. I tell you what that was and why this is very bad advice.
I also talk about:
Why this advice is given
When it makes sense to believe this advice
What is missing from this advice
In this episode, I talk about one of the mistakes that a lot of parents make, including one I made myself, that leads to a lot of pain and suffering.
I also talk about:
How we can rethink the idea of self-care
What is our one true responsibility
How only focusing on our children can hurt us
In this episode, I share my story with you about how energy medicine, energy healing, and shamanic modalities all helped me to go from someone who was depressed, confused, not sure exactly what was going on, and not really looking forward to the future or thinking of it as a vacuum to someone who is hopeful, who has taken back her agency, who feels empowered and restored by using these different modalities.
In this episode, I talk to you about the mission of this podcast and what exactly my vision is for what I'll be sharing. I share with you why it’s important to be intentional about the legacy we are creating, why we need to heal to create a positive legacy, and why we need to have our soul purpose as the guiding force for our legacy building.
Come join us.